Navigating Borders, Enabling Prosperity in Security

Unifying Customs Excellence for Oceania’s Economic Growth

Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) Secretariat

The Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) was established by Heads of Oceania Customs Administrations in August 1998 to promote efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of Regional Customs Administrations. The OCO has a membership of 23 countries and territories from the Pacific region, and its principal activity is facilitating and where appropriate helping member administrations align with customs international standards and best practice, leading to greater economic prosperity and increased border security within the Oceania region.

Strategic Priority Areas

Priority 1

Customs Leadership

Priority 2

Law Enforcement and Border Security

Priority 3

Trade Management and Facilitation

Priority 4

Revenue Management and Compliance

Priority 5

Institutional Strengthening of Small Member

Priority 6

Institutional Strengthening of the OCO

Latest News

WP07/21 Godard dirige les douanes en Nouvelle Calédonie

Suva, Fidji, 25 Aout 2020- Le Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Douanes de l'Océanie (OCO) félicite Benoit Godart pour sa récente nomination au poste de Directeur des Douanes Françaises en Nouvelle-Calédonie. M. Godart a une grande expérience, anciennement directeur...

WP08/21 Palau celebrates Customs Officer

Customs officers in Palau celebrate the achievement of Customs officer, Alomar Kumangai. Pic: SUPPLIED Suva, Fiji, August 31, 2021- Every training that Customs officers go through must be applauded because it means a notch up in our abilities to protect our borders,...

PR 27/21 Heads of Customs in Oceania region meet for Annual Conference

PR 27/21 Heads of Customs in Oceania region meet for Annual Conference

Suva, Fiji, August 26, 2021- The Heads of Customs administrations in the region are holding their annual conference virtually today to discuss challenges in the region and possible solutions as well as adopt the Pacific Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding...

WP07/21 Godart heads New Caledonia Customs

WP07/21 Godart heads New Caledonia Customs

Suva, Fiji, August 25, 2020- The Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) Secretariat congratulates Benoit Godart on his recent appointment as the Director for the French Customs in New Caledonia. Mr Godart comes with great experience as the former interim regional director...

PR 27/21 Heads of Customs in Oceania region meet for Annual Conference

OCO Members Discussed the Adoption of PACHS2022

Suva, Fiji, August 24, 2020- There is a general agreement in the Oceania Customs Organisation members of the importance of the Pacific Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (PACHS) 2022, the internationally recognized upgraded system of classifying goods...



AN INTERVIEW WITH SALVADOR JACOBS, OCO CHAIR AND FSM HEAD OF TAX AND CUSTOMS DIVISION If he is not busy as head of the Tax and Customs Division in the Federated States of Micronesia, Salvador Jacobs would be out fishing with families and friends. Or you would find him...

OCO and ABF host third OPSCA Regional Coordinators Forum WP06/12

OCO and ABF host third OPSCA Regional Coordinators Forum WP06/12

Suva, Fiji, August 10, 2021. The Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) with support from the Australian Border Force (ABF) held the third OCO Pacific Small Craft Application (OPSCA) Regional Coordinators Forum as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the region’s...

Events & Workshop

OCO Events and Workshops is a great way to communicate ideas, acquire new skills and specialized knowledge which members can apply to their profession and to better accomplish member goals and values.

Upcoming events and workshops:


  • 25-Oct ISWG 1st Qtr Meeting
  • 30 Oct – 20 Nov CCES CERT IV new intake – First Topic – Risk Management
  • 06 – 10 Nov Emergency Relief Good Clearance Process
  • 08-Nov HS Contact Points Meeting
  • 13-Nov CCES CERT III new intake
  • 13 Nov – 4 Dec CERT III  Topic- Revenue Stream: Legislation
  • 16 – 30 Nov Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – VANUATU
  • 24-Nov Budget Session of the FOC
  • 27 Nov – 18 Dec CERTIV Topic- Revenue Stream: Legislation / Enforcement Stream: Legislation
  • 27 Nov – 20 Dec Customs Expert In Country Mission – FIJI
  • 01 – 15 Dec Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – SOLOMON ISLANDS
  • 11-15 Dec Drug Identification Training
  • 25-Dec Christmas Day
  • 26-Dec Boxing Day
  • 08 – 12 Jan Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – TIMOR-LESTE
  • 15 – 26 Jan Customs Expert In Country Mission – TONGA
  • 15 Jan – 5 Feb CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream: Risk Management/ Enforcement Stream: Legislation
  • 19 – 23 Jan Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – FSM
  • 29 Jan – 9 Feb WCO Master Trainer Program – Customs Valuation and Tariff
  • 29 Jan – 19 Feb CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Ethics and Givernance/ Enforcement Stream: Risk Management
  • 5 – 16 Feb Customs Expert In Country Mission – SAMOA
  • 12 – 16 Feb Train the Trainer Workshop
  • 12 Feb – 4 Mar CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream:Ethics and Governance/ Enforcement Stream: Legislation
  • 19 Feb – 23 Feb Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – FSM
  • 26 Feb – 18 Mar CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Enforcement and Compliance/ Enforcement Stream: Ethics and Governance
  • 06-Mar ISWG Meeting
  • 4 – 15 Mar Customs Expert In Country Mission – NIUE
  • 11 Mar – 1 Apr CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream:Enforcement and Compliance/ Enforcement Stream:Ethics and Governance
  • 25 – 29 Mar Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – RMI
  • 25 Mar – 15 Apr CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream:Traiff/ Enforcement Stream:Enforcement and Compliance
  • 8 – 29 Apr CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream: Traiff/ Enforcement Stream:Enforcement and Compliance
  • 15 – 20 Apr Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – KIRIBATI
  • 15 – 26 Apr Customs Expert In Country Mission – NAURU
  • 22 – 26 Apr Trade Facilitation Expert In Country Mission – TUVALU
  • 23 – 25 Apr Corporate & Succession Planning Workshop
  • 26 – 27 Apr Authorized Economic Operators – Workshop
  • 22 Apr – 13 May CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Valuation/ Enforcement Stream:Traiff
  • 6 – 27 May CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream: Valuation / Enforcement Stream:Traiff
  • 13 – 17 May OCO Team Building Training
  • 13 May – 7 Jun Customs Expert In Country Mission – PNG
  • 20 May – 10 Jun CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Electives / Enforcement Stream: Valuation
  • 24-May PCA, Investigation and Intelligence Capacity Workshop
  • 27 – 31 May Risk Management / Intelligence Workshop
  • 05-Jun ISWG Meeting
  • 3 Jun – 1 Jul CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream: Electives / Enforcement Stream: Valuation
  • 3 Jun – 15 Jul CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Electives / Enforcement Stream: Electives
  • 1 Jul – 12 Aug CERT IV Topic – Revenue Stream: Electives / Enforcement Stream: Electives
  • 8 – 29 Jul CERT III Topic – Revenue Stream: Electives / Enforcement Stream: Electives
  • 5 – 26 Aug CERT III Topic – Enforcement Stream: Electives
  • 13 – 16 Aug Industry Advisory Committee – Meeting/ Workshop
  • 19-Aug CERT IV Topic – Final Assessment
  • 02-Sep CERT III Topic – Final Assessment
  • 1 – 4 Oct Industry Advisory Committee – Meeting/ Workshop
  • 19 – 22 Nov Industry Advisory Committee – Meeting/ Workshop

OCO Member Countries

Interactive Map. Select member country pin to view brief info about our members. You can view map in 3D and also activate your location to zoom map to your location.